9-Financial system Module:
This module covers all functions needed by finance employees. It records accounts’ names and opening balances. It records daily transactions and covers automatic recording of financial records. It provides detailed and total lists of movements of a sub-account. It provides cash accounts; defines cash types, records cash payment document, cash receiving documents...etc. It controls bank accounts; defines a cheque book, records issued cheques…etc. It also covers suppliers’ accounts; invoices payment request, printing a supplier’s list of its payment requests, a list of the unpaid and returned invoices, discounts and additions…etc. It covers also assets and depreciation accounts; assets groups, assets data, preparing depreciation files…etc. It helps in the closing accounts; movements closing date, posting accounts, trial balance…etc. The module provides a group of important reports. The Financial System Module covers all the needs of the financial management by coding the chart of accounts in accordance with accounting standards, as well as creating automatic entries for all movements in the associated programs that require this, whether they are stock movements, sales movements, or movements related to the fund such as cash disbursement and receipt, and cheques’ movements, whether issued cheques or incoming, as well as the automatic restrictions on fixed assets depreciation, as well as the final lists recognized in accordance with accounting standards