• Phone : +202 22687592
  • Fax : +202 22687591

A) Basic Modules

1-Administration Module :

Configuration and Access rights
• Group of users.
• Roles Permissions definitions.
• Users.
• Assign Role to User.
• Users Permissions.
• Change Password.

2-General Codes Module:

Setup Data
• Stores definitions.
• Macro Category.
• Category.
• Micro Category & Departments.
• Category Chart.
• Item Family.
• Producers.
• Brands.
• Packing units.
• Suppliers.
• Banks.
• Tax Category.
• Items Master Data.
• Items query.
• Items Update.
• Items Price Book.
• Updated Items Report.
• Suppliers Items List.
• Shelf Label Printing.
• Supplier Price List.
• Supplier Price List Update.
• Barcode Printing A4.
• Barcode printing.

3-Stock Management Module:

Stock Control
• Receiving from Supplier.
• Return to Supplier.
• Supplier Invoice Posting.
• Inventory Surplus Adjustment.
• Inventory Shortages Adjustment.
• Inventory Adjustment Orders Posting.
• Inventory Preparation.
• Automatic Inventory Maintenance.
• Inventory Physical Count registration.
• Inventory Physical Count Posting.
• Spot Check Report.
• Regular Check Report.
• Inventory Check Variance Report.
• Items balance Report.
• Daily Items Movement Report.
• Item Movement Card Report.
• Monthly Items Movement Report.
• Suppliers Purchases Report.
• Monthly Closing.
• Stock Boundaries Setup.
• Consumption Rate Calculation.
• Stock Boundaries Calculation.
• Stock Boundaries Confirm.
• Automatic Order Generation.
• Items Below Reorder Limit Report.
• Consumption rate Report.
• Stock Boundaries Report.

4-Stock Management
using PDA Module:

• Receiving from Supplier.
• Return to Supplier.
• Transfer In.
• Transfer Out.
• Inventory Document Entry.
• Send Inventory Items.
• Collecting Items Barcode to Print.
• Collecting Shelf Labels to Print.
• Items Price Check.

5-Discounts & Promotions Module:

• Promotion Programs.
• Promotion Activating.
• Promotion Inactivating.
• Discount.
• Items promotion query.

6-Point of Sale (POS) Module:

  • Register items by scanning and typing the barcode.
  • Register items by velocity codes, dedicated item keys and selecting from a list.
  • Item inquiry.
  • Price override.
  • Line void.
  • Cancel registered items or change their quantity.
  • No sale. (Open the cash drawer outside a sales transaction).
  • Item return.
  • Item exchange.
  • Printing the current transaction.
  • Voiding a transaction.
  • Transaction suspends, resume, (from any POS and by any user).
  • Support payment by more than one tender type at the same transaction.
  • Accept payment by various tender types (Cash, Coupons, Credit cards, Cheques, Travelers Cheques).
  • Different access levels and permissions for system users.
  • Required access level for every function.
  • Ability to assign a required key lock position for each function.
  • Trigger an alarm as a result of any access violation.
  • Secure mode.
  • Fixed and variable value or percentage discounts.
  • Discounts applied to item groups or single item.
  • Every discount has a starting and ending date.
  • Opening float for the cashier at the beginning of the shift.
  • Additional float for the cashier during the shift.
  • Close cash.
  • Day end.
  • Day end report.
  • Closing cash report.

7-Sales Reports Module:

• Sales by Macro Category Report.
• Sales by Category Report.
• Sales Journal Report by Department Report.
• Sales Journal Report by Items Report.
• POS Sales Summary Report.
• Sales by Promotional and Discounted Items Report.
• Store Sales by Items Report.
• Closing Cash Report.
• Cashier Sales Summary Report.
• Void Sales Report.
• Sales Journal Report.
• Invoice query.
• Weekly Sales for Departments Report.
• Best Sales Items Report.

8-Price Checker Module:

• Check Items Price.
• Check Items Offer.

9-Financial system Module:

General Ledger

  • Create the financial structure (Journals – Entries - Chart of accounts).
  • Determine the regular entries and let system do it for you for example.
  • Rents – Prepayments and all the Accrued Expenses.
  • Adding the entries which are not regular.
  • Print a lot of reports which explain all entries from GL. or others modules.

Final Accounts

  • Generate all final reports form as user require (as report generator) and print them compared between in budget and actual (Balance Sheet – Profit & Loss – Cash Flow – etc.).
  • Print soft trail balance to can imagine how will be the trail balance after closing and posting from movement file to balance file.
  • Close the financial period.
  • Posting data to balance file.
  • Print all trail balance.
  • Closing financial year and posting the balances to new year.
  • Possibility to work in two financial years at the same time (in parallel).

Purchase Ledger

  • To follow up the invoices and the payment requisition which invoice belong to it.
  • Follow up to supplier movement.
  • Link between GL., purchase ledger. And treasury

Sales Account

  • Generate automated entry from sales system to sales account.
  • Follow up sales movement.
  • Register the actual sales deposit and compare it with bank statement.

Cash Accounts (Bank & Box)

  • Follow up the movement of issued cheques and incoming cheques.
  • Follow up the financial situation with banks.
  • Follow up bank account statement.
  • Follow up the movement of cash in & cash out through safe(box).

Assets Accounts

  • Follow up the asset’s movements (transfer – elimination).
  • Follow up to depreciation.
  • Generate automated entries established from depreciation into GL.
  • Print a lot of reports to explain all movements.


  • Adding types of budgets.
  • Adding a new one or from last years.
  • Comparing between budget in different years.

B) Optional Modules

1-Supplier Contracts Module :

• Terms of Agreement.
• Supplier Contracts.
• Prepare payment to suppliers.
• Payment review.
• Payment Posting.
• Supplier Target Calculation.
• Clone Contract.
• Target processing review.
• Recording the execution of payment requests.
• Review the execution of reimbursement requests.
• A report on suppliers to whom a general contract clause applies.
• Print bill payment requests.
• Detailed discount report.
• Total Discounts Report.
• The position of receive goods and returns orders.
• Print supplier’s discounts.
• Supplier account statement.
• Suppliers Target’s follow-up.
• Print total supplier discounts.
• Follow up the implementation of check and cash payment requests.
• Deferred Discount Items.
• Supplier discount notice.
• Contract terms not implemented.
• Payment request.
• Supplier sales and purchases.
• Exclusion of deferred discount items that have been implemented.
• Return of deferred items discarded.
• The excluded and excluded discount reports.
• Follow the payment request movements.
• Supplier total profitability report after contract discounts.
• Supplier discounts report according to the position of their implementation.
• Document report that has not been established to pay.
• A specific discount supplier report during a period.

2-Central Financial Invoices Module :

• Create a financial invoice.
• Financial invoice processing.
• Posting the financial invoice.
• Processing the payment of the financial invoice.
• Supplier net purchases report.
• Net purchase value of supplier items report.
• Net purchase value of supplier invoices report.
• The net value of purchases and payment of supplier invoices report.
• Last receipts of items from suppliers.
• Report of receipt and return Orders that have not been invoiced.
• Supplier tax data and net purchases.
• Purchase invoices position.
• Inquiry about an invoice.
• Supplier purchase invoice.
• Supplier return invoice.
• Supplier purchase report at the company's branch level.

3-Fixed Assets Management Module :

• Report of converted assets statement.
• Depreciation statement at the sub-accounts level.
• Depreciation statement at the company level.
• Depreciation statement at the asset level.
• Printing Asset’s barcode.
• Excluded Assets Statement Report.
• Depreciation statement at the level of activity center.
• Company-level depreciation statement.
• Statement of depreciation at the level of sub-accounts.
• Asset out order.
• Asset return order.
• Maintenance assets report.
• Asset groups.
• Add to Asset.
• Asset edits.
• Review receipt of asset maintenance.
• accounting guidance.
• Asset inventory report.
• Processing the depreciation file.
• Posting to public accounts.
• Asset inventory.
• Check-in and receipt report.
• Receipt of the branch asset.
• Asset transfer data.
• Exclusion data.
• Assets data.
• Report follow-up to fixed asset transfers.
• Report follow-up of the asset movement.
• Adoption of asset transfer correction documents.
• Movement of exclusion of asset from service.
• Record the use date of the assets.
• Load asset data from excel file.
• An asset conversion document from one site to another.

4-Pre-Paid Cards Module :

• Contractor data.
• Types of cards.
• Scope of implementation.
• Create branch groups.
• Agency contracts.
• Contract accreditation.
• Create cards for the contract.
• Inquire about the cards that have been created.
• Adjusting card indicators.
• Card printing.
• Inquire about the detailed movements of the card.
• Print a lost or damaged card.
• Cancellation of contract accreditation.
• Order to sell using card number.
• Registration of cards that have not been used and treated in cash.
• Refund card value for the destination.
• Credit for the return of cards that have not been used.
• Credit for cards that have not been used and treated in cash.
• Card balances.
• Detailed card movements.
• Total transactions of the entities.
• Cards that weren't used.
• Report the delivery of cards to the destination according to the categories of cards.
• Follow-up report on card transactions.
• Report the total contracts within a period.
• Prepaid card customers' dealings with branches.
• Prepaid card customer report days – hours.
• Transactions of prepaid card customers branches months.
• Report of the cards that have not been used and have expired.
• Edit the expiration date of cards that have not been used.

5-Customer Loyalty Module :

• Points exchange receipt balances.
• Detailed points exchange receipt transactions.
• Detail client transactions.
• Report of vouchers that have expired and have not been disbursed.
• Reprint a voucher instead of points.
• Detailed report showing ways to replace points.
• Detailed report explaining the numbers and values of points replacement methods.
• Cards Issued Per Store Report.
• Customers' Birth Dates Report.
• Customer With no Purchases.
• Customer Delivery Card.
• Main Customer - Sub customers purchases.
• Report of Sales paid by coupon for loyalty cards.
• Customer Category.
• Customer Data.
• Sites Data.
• Customer Purchases Within Interval.
• Customer Loyalty discounts values.
• Customer with Max/Min Purchases.
• Customers Report According to Purchases Value.
• Customer Purchases According to Macro Category.
• Customer Purchases Details.
• Customer adjustment follow-up report.
• Recording the number and value of commodity division points.
• Defining the value of the exchange of points.
• Record the number and value of points at the item level.
• Create cards without customer data.
• Print cards without names.
• Record customer data for Card.
• Extracting customer codes and barcodes to excel file for printing.
• Customer balances from points.
• Modify customer data for the same user.
• Registration of replacement card instead of lost.
• Report of the card that has been replaced.
• Inquire about customer points.
• Report the number of points of suppliers' items.
• Modify or cancel suppliers’ items points.